Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm not hosting Thanksgiving, but I'm having a super domestic day before heading out to celebrate and stuff myself with the family.  My contribution this year is fantastic (if I may say so) hand-made chocolate chip cookies.

I love these things.  So simple, but sooo delicious.  If only they would come up with internet tasting . . .

This year, I tweaked the recipe a little bit by adding a smidge of fresh grated nutmeg and by using a combination of semi-sweet chocolate and Ghirardelli 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate.  Yu-um!

 I also got the chance to take some photos of my latest offerings from the wheel:
Cobbler (because it reminded me of mixed berry cobbler) is a delicious Navajo-plied BFL yarn spun from a roving dyed by C*EYE*BER Fiber and purchased at my favorite LYS.  I love working with BFL.  It is super easy to spin, and the end product is crazy-soft.

And Summer Squash - another 2-ply BFL yarn spun from a roving painted by and purchased from TheFiberDenn.  I will be (reluctantly) posting this yarn for sale in my Etsy shop.
[UPDATE:  Summer Squash is on its way to its new owner in Australia.  Godspeed, Squash.]


Kween Klara said...

yummy to all of thee above! I want to try some from the wheel and the kitchen!!! Happy Holiday!

cici said...

Hope you had a fab Thanksgiving. The cookies look delish! and the yarn is gorgeous♥

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Cici. Thanksgiving was awesome! I trust you and the family had a wonderful time. Those cookies are the bane of my existence. I make them every year for other folks, but end up eating waaay too many. The Summer Squash yarn was just bought on Etsy by a woman in Australia. I'm going international, girl!


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